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Weekly News Digest

Each week Zacco tracks the latest cyber security threats, current industry news or trends and insights into the latest protection best practice. The Cyber Security Digest is a weekly compilation of the most significant developments within both cybersecurity and digital protection space, with links to further information on how it might affect you, your company or your clients.

Essential reading for cyber security professionals, as well as the general public, to keep you informed of current events and emerging threats.

Apple Software and Services found with 55 vulnerabilities

Security researches have been testing the Apple online services for three months and they have found 55 vulnerabilities. Out of these 55 vulnerabilities 11 of them are considered as Critical. Hackers could hijack the user’s iCloud account and steal all the photos, calendar information, videos, and documents. At the same time, threat actors could forward the malware to all of the victim’s contacts.

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